Spring/Summer Notice

Spring/Summer Notice

During spring and summer months we let the grass grow naturally long and lush, along with plentiful beautiful wildflowers. We mow pathways around the Park so that you can still easily access plots. To keep the Park in its natural state we would like to remind visitors...
Some Common Funeral Myths Tackled

Some Common Funeral Myths Tackled

Some Common Funeral Myths Tackled Funerals are a tough subject to deal with, whether it is your own you are seeking to arrange or on behalf of someone else.  One of the hardest parts of the funeral is the arranging of it and this is made more complex by the number of...
Why choose a natural burial?

Why choose a natural burial?

Natural burials (also known as “green burials”, “woodland burials” or “eco-friendly burials”) are becoming ever more popular.  In fact it seems that we in the UK are leading the world in natural burials with over 260 natural burial...